Who We Are
We are a global wellness platform for Black Women & Women of Color dedicated to living well from the inside out.
What We Do
We connect you to transformational wellness experiences around the world.
Featured Retreats
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Zen at Home by OMNoire
Shop our exquisite collection of luxury candles, so that you don't have to go away to get away, you can instead create a retreat within yourself and your own beautiful spaces.

Our Creed
We believe that luxury is your birthright - that every object, experience, and pleasure of this world can be yours simply because you have come to be.
We believe in sisterhood, community, and leaving a legacy rooted in self-love and self-care.
We believe in the audacity to live fully, the willingness to take up space, the courage to dream of a life with adventures your great-grandmothers could never have dared to dream, and the ability to create a safe place for yourself in this world to live well from the inside out.